Women of Village Retreat
Saturday, January 18, 2025 | 8:00 AM – 4:15 PM
With the legal redefinition of marriage, the confusion regarding gender, and rapidly changing sexual mores in society, Christians are looking for guidance in articulating and promoting a positive view of the Christian vision for marriage and sexuality.
Speaker Dr. Beverly K. Yahnke of Doxology will provide tools to speak constructively and to live confidently amid the current confusion.
Speaker Dr. Beverly K. Yahnke of Doxology will provide tools to speak constructively and to live confidently amid the current confusion.
Registration deadline December 15
Free | Open to all women
Retreat Schedule
- 8:00 Check-in begins, breakfast
- 9:00 Matins
- 9:30 Session 1 – Mental Health and the Church
- 10:30 Break
- 10:45 Session 2 – Christian Counsel for Families of Individuals with Same Sex Attraction
- 11:45 Lunch
- 12:30 Session 3 – Caring for the Child who Identifies as Transgender: Understanding the Big Picture
- 1:30 Break
- 1:45 Session 4 – GPS Essentials for Travel Through Demanding Conversations
- 2:45 Q&A, snacks
- 3:45 Vespers
- 4:15 Conference concludes