Who We Are
Village Lutheran Church is a collection of sinners who have been made saints, holy and pure, by the working of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God, Holy Baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. As we receive Christ’s gifts, we are strengthened in faith toward Him and in love for one another.
Village is located in Ladue, but our members come from all over metropolitan St. Louis and from all walks of life. We invite you to get to know the members of Village. You can begin that process by meeting Village’s staff.
Village is located in Ladue, but our members come from all over metropolitan St. Louis and from all walks of life. We invite you to get to know the members of Village. You can begin that process by meeting Village’s staff.

Tyler C. Arnold was born on August 23, 1973, in Alton, Ill. He graduated from Roxana High School in 1991 and Concordia University, River Forest (Ill.) in 1995 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. He attended Concordia Seminary in St. Louis and graduated in 1999 with a Master of Divinity degree. In 2019, Pastor Arnold received his Doctor of Ministry degree in the area of Pastoral Care from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind.
Pastor Arnold has served as a parish pastor since 1999. He was the Assistant Pastor at Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods, Mo., from 1999-2004. In 2004, he accepted a Divine Call to serve as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Millstadt, Ill. He later returned to Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods in 2006 to serve as Senior Pastor and served there until 2022. He is currently Pastor at Village Lutheran Church in the St. Louis suburb of Ladue, Mo.
Pastor Arnold has served on the Board of Congregational Support for the Southern Illinois District, as the Chairman for the Committee on Structure and Administration for the Missouri District, and as the District’s Structure and Administration Task Force. He served on the Board of Directors at Unity Lutheran School in East St. Louis, Ill., as well as Pastoral Advisor to the Executive Council of the Northland Lutheran School Association in Kansas City. He served for nine years as a Circuit Visitor and on various District program and conference committees. He also served on the Board of Regents for Concordia Seminary for four years. Currently, he serves as a Collegium Fellow for DOXOLOGY – The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel.
Pastor Arnold is the author of the book Pastoral Visitation: For the Care of Souls, which was published by Lexham Press. He has written articles published on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s website, The Lutheran Witness, SEELSORGER – A Journal for the Contemporary Cure of Souls, LOGIA, and Christianity Today. He also wrote a Bible study called Finding Balance and Perspective in Ministry, which was published by the LCMS. He has been a speaker at District Pastors Conferences and various retreats on the topic of the care of souls.
He was joined in Holy Matrimony to Andrea (nee Thur) in 1995 at Holy Cross Lutheran in Ste. Genevieve, Mo., where her father served as pastor. They are blessed with two sons: Jacob, who works for Roeslein and Associates in St. Louis, and Benjamin, who is a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps stationed in Hawaii.
Pastor Arnold has served as a parish pastor since 1999. He was the Assistant Pastor at Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods, Mo., from 1999-2004. In 2004, he accepted a Divine Call to serve as Pastor of Trinity Lutheran in Millstadt, Ill. He later returned to Christ Lutheran in Platte Woods in 2006 to serve as Senior Pastor and served there until 2022. He is currently Pastor at Village Lutheran Church in the St. Louis suburb of Ladue, Mo.
Pastor Arnold has served on the Board of Congregational Support for the Southern Illinois District, as the Chairman for the Committee on Structure and Administration for the Missouri District, and as the District’s Structure and Administration Task Force. He served on the Board of Directors at Unity Lutheran School in East St. Louis, Ill., as well as Pastoral Advisor to the Executive Council of the Northland Lutheran School Association in Kansas City. He served for nine years as a Circuit Visitor and on various District program and conference committees. He also served on the Board of Regents for Concordia Seminary for four years. Currently, he serves as a Collegium Fellow for DOXOLOGY – The Lutheran Center for Spiritual Care and Counsel.
Pastor Arnold is the author of the book Pastoral Visitation: For the Care of Souls, which was published by Lexham Press. He has written articles published on The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s website, The Lutheran Witness, SEELSORGER – A Journal for the Contemporary Cure of Souls, LOGIA, and Christianity Today. He also wrote a Bible study called Finding Balance and Perspective in Ministry, which was published by the LCMS. He has been a speaker at District Pastors Conferences and various retreats on the topic of the care of souls.
He was joined in Holy Matrimony to Andrea (nee Thur) in 1995 at Holy Cross Lutheran in Ste. Genevieve, Mo., where her father served as pastor. They are blessed with two sons: Jacob, who works for Roeslein and Associates in St. Louis, and Benjamin, who is a Lance Corporal in the United States Marine Corps stationed in Hawaii.

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison was installed as Village Lutheran Church’s assistant pastor in January 2011. He was elected as president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in July 2010, and in June 2023 he was elected to serve a fifth term as LCMS president through the summer of 2026.
He has served parishes in rural Iowa and inner-city Fort Wayne, Ind. He has also served as Director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care. He is a prolific author, translator, and speaker.
Pastor Harrison and his wife, Kathy, have been blessed with two sons, two daughters-in-law, and a granddaughter. A longer biography of Pastor Harrison is available on lcms.org.
He has served parishes in rural Iowa and inner-city Fort Wayne, Ind. He has also served as Director of LCMS World Relief and Human Care. He is a prolific author, translator, and speaker.
Pastor Harrison and his wife, Kathy, have been blessed with two sons, two daughters-in-law, and a granddaughter. A longer biography of Pastor Harrison is available on lcms.org.

Phillip Magness serves in a dual call as cantor at Village Lutheran Church and as an LCMS missionary to West and Central Africa. As cantor, he oversees our music program, is our head organist, and prepares the liturgies for our worship services. His missionary work entails teaching hymnody, liturgy, and church musicianship in Africa. He is also the Interim Associate of Music Arts at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Phillip previously held cantorates at congregations in Texas, Illinois, and Oklahoma. His service to the church-at-large includes chairing the Introduction Committee for the Lutheran Service Book, serving on the The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board for International Mission, and leading music for daily worship at 2013, 2016, and 2019 LCMS national conventions.
A composer and arranger, Phillip set Luther’s Small Catechism to music for Concordia Publishing House’s Growing in Christ curriculum, and has compositions in Concordia Publishing House and Northwestern Publishing House catalogs. His hymn tunes and psalm settings appear in the Lutheran Service Book, Christian Worship: Hymnal, and Christian Worship: Psalter. His book, Church Music: For the Care of Souls, is published by Lexham Press.
Phillip’s wife, Cheryl, is Managing Editor for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, and she is also a frequent contributor to Salvo and The Federalist. They are blessed with three children, a daughter-in-law, and one grandson.
Phillip previously held cantorates at congregations in Texas, Illinois, and Oklahoma. His service to the church-at-large includes chairing the Introduction Committee for the Lutheran Service Book, serving on the The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board for International Mission, and leading music for daily worship at 2013, 2016, and 2019 LCMS national conventions.
A composer and arranger, Phillip set Luther’s Small Catechism to music for Concordia Publishing House’s Growing in Christ curriculum, and has compositions in Concordia Publishing House and Northwestern Publishing House catalogs. His hymn tunes and psalm settings appear in the Lutheran Service Book, Christian Worship: Hymnal, and Christian Worship: Psalter. His book, Church Music: For the Care of Souls, is published by Lexham Press.
Phillip’s wife, Cheryl, is Managing Editor for Reporter, the official newspaper of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, and she is also a frequent contributor to Salvo and The Federalist. They are blessed with three children, a daughter-in-law, and one grandson.

Patti Miller was installed as Village's Deaconess in February 2023. Deaconess Miller graduated from Auburn University with a B.A. degree in Visual Art. In May 2022 Patti graduated from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne with an M.A. in Deaconess Studies. She has worked as a director in childcare and senior care settings. She has also worked in the communications field for LCMS congregations and Lutheran Women in Mission. As an artist, Patti creates acrylic paintings on wood as well as digital designs that tell of God's great love for all people in Christ. She and her husband, George, who were high school sweethearts, have been married 37 years and are originally from Fairhope, Alabama. They have three married adult children and seven grandchildren. Playing and singing with her grandchildren, reading, painting, and all outdoor activities are some of her favorite things to do.
Diane Caughlan serves as the Director of Village Lutheran Preschool after teaching preschool for 11 years and being a full-time administrator for 5 years. Learn more about the preschool on our website.
Stephanie Motz serves as Village's Office Manager and Secretary. Organizing, communicating, and multi-tasking are her specialties.
Ken Pranschke serves as Village's Bookkeeper. Financial questions may be directed to him.
Stephanie Motz serves as Village's Office Manager and Secretary. Organizing, communicating, and multi-tasking are her specialties.
Ken Pranschke serves as Village's Bookkeeper. Financial questions may be directed to him.